DAVID Series Wrap

On Friday we learned that the foundation of faith is not answered prayers or happy endings. It’s always a mistake to wrap your faith in God around the fulfillment of your dreams or even the answers to your prayers. Dreams that don’t come true say nothing of God’s faithfulness or activity. You aren’t forsaken. Declare the words of 2 Samuel 15: “If I find favor in the Lord’s eyes, he will bring me back. Let him do to me whatever seems good to him.”

That does it for the David series and leaves us with ONLY 2 weeks left of Fuel before our summer break.  You don’t want to miss the one in two weeks as that’s when we break out the breakfast buffet and wrap it for the year.  However you really don’t want to miss this coming Friday as Justin Elam from Northpoint will be joining us.  Same Northpoint wisdom, NOT delivered via video.

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