I said this, you heard that

Men of Fuel

Hope you all had an awesome weekend.  I have attached the link to last Friday’s session.  I look forward to hearing about 2nd viewings with significant others.  For those unable to make it last Friday, please do yourself a favor and watch this video.


Invest and Invite


An Emotional Chart for the Rest of Us

Men of Fuel

PLEASE NOTE: While LCPS are closed tomorrow we ARE meeting in the morning.

This week I spent some time reviewing the North Point feelings wheel that was sent out.  While there were many words/feelings I immediately identified with I am not sure I have ever found myself to be cheeky.  As a matter of fact, before spending time looking at that wheel I think my wheel would have looked like the one below.  I bet I am not alone, which I think is part of the reason this series is so needed.

Most of us tend to neglect positive habits or behaviors that will strengthen our emotional health. That’s because it’s a lot easier—at least in the short-term—to pretend everything is okay than to make the effort to establish new, healthy habits. But when we avoid change, we’re not the only ones who suffer. The unhealthy emotions and behaviors we sow now are eventually reaped by the people we love most.

See you in the am



Men of Fuel

Many of us learned from an early age to hide what we were feeling from other people. We got the message that showing our emotions made us look weak. In time, we became so skilled at hiding what we feel, we even learned to hide our emotions from ourselves. But hiding isn’t a sign of courage or strength.  If we want to grow, we must stop saying, “It’s fine,” and start being honest—with ourselves and others—about what’s going on inside.

Can you imagine your holiday get together if your entire family could take part in this series?  This Friday we can start with at least one member of your family: You.



Justin Elam at FUEL

Very excited about tomorrow morning.  Justin Elam from Northpoint will be with us in the am and it is a topic you don’t want to miss.  Justin will be speaking about difficult relationships in our lives.  Anyone got one of those?  You should come.  Know someone that does?  You should invite them.

On a personal note, Justin Elam is one half of the Northpoint duo who along with John Woodall have been the two men that have fielded ever call over the past 13 years that would have gone to my dad.  The wisdom Justin will bring tomorrow is something you don’t want to miss.

Let’s give Justin a huge Fuel welcome in the am.  Please try to arrive (in the room) a little early so that we can start right at 7:00.

DAVID Series Wrap

On Friday we learned that the foundation of faith is not answered prayers or happy endings. It’s always a mistake to wrap your faith in God around the fulfillment of your dreams or even the answers to your prayers. Dreams that don’t come true say nothing of God’s faithfulness or activity. You aren’t forsaken. Declare the words of 2 Samuel 15: “If I find favor in the Lord’s eyes, he will bring me back. Let him do to me whatever seems good to him.”

That does it for the David series and leaves us with ONLY 2 weeks left of Fuel before our summer break.  You don’t want to miss the one in two weeks as that’s when we break out the breakfast buffet and wrap it for the year.  However you really don’t want to miss this coming Friday as Justin Elam from Northpoint will be joining us.  Same Northpoint wisdom, NOT delivered via video.