The Fine Print

Men of Fuel

If becoming the right kind of person is key to a great relationship, how do you do that?

Is there something you can do to prepare? Does it just happen?

Sure, we’re supposed to love others, but what does that really mean?

Let’s lean in tomorrow morning and read the fine print.

Invest and invite



Men of Fuel

Find someone who has nothing to gain and nothing to lose by telling you the truth.

Are you willing to make the following commitment? I will not automatically discount advice based on the source of the advice.

Remember, “Somebody can see what we can’t see”



Part III: Listen

Men of Fuel

It can be easy to see someone else self-destruct and think to ourselves, I would never do that. But truth be told, we’re all capable of ending up where we don’t want to be. Even Solomon’s son—the heir to the throne of Israel—blatantly ignored a principle that we should all pay close attention to. 

See you guys in the am


Pay Attention

Men of Fuel

Hope you had an awesome weekend.

Moving Forward………….When you face a dilemma and there’s a tension you can’t quite put your finger on—don’t rush by. That tension may very well be God’s way of protecting you. If something bothers you about him or her, that offer, that invitation, that deal…you owe it to yourself to face it. Face that tension until it goes away or you go a different way.  What begins as an uneasy feeling is often supported later with reason and insight. But if you don’t pause, you won’t see it.

Is there a tension that deserves your attention? Pay attention. That’s a decision that will keep you from becoming your own worst enemy.

See you guys on Friday


Money Talks

Men of Fuel

As we discussed last Friday,   If you choose to live for yourself, you’ll only have yourself to show for it.

This week spend some time wrestling with one thing that breaks your heart—something that perhaps you can be a means to helping. What step can you take to move in that direction?

Invest and Invite
