An Emotional Chart for the Rest of Us

Men of Fuel

PLEASE NOTE: While LCPS are closed tomorrow we ARE meeting in the morning.

This week I spent some time reviewing the North Point feelings wheel that was sent out.  While there were many words/feelings I immediately identified with I am not sure I have ever found myself to be cheeky.  As a matter of fact, before spending time looking at that wheel I think my wheel would have looked like the one below.  I bet I am not alone, which I think is part of the reason this series is so needed.

Most of us tend to neglect positive habits or behaviors that will strengthen our emotional health. That’s because it’s a lot easier—at least in the short-term—to pretend everything is okay than to make the effort to establish new, healthy habits. But when we avoid change, we’re not the only ones who suffer. The unhealthy emotions and behaviors we sow now are eventually reaped by the people we love most.

See you in the am


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